Buy Headset

Buy your Headset here

You have probably tried on a VR headset.

Were you ‘blown away’
by the visual impact?
Of course you were!

If you weren’t flabbergasted,
there’s only one explanation
you were wearing
a poor quality headset !

(and all you’ll be thinking is
“what’s this fuss about VR?”..!)

That’s why we  offer only
good headsets on this site.

Poor ones have negative value.

We have selected as our

flagship headset,
the Oculus Quest.

Buy the large-storage headset
by clicking  here:
Oculus Quest All-in-one VR Gaming Headset – 128GB)

or buy the smaller-storage one
– which still holds a lot –
Oculus Quest All-in-one VR Gaming Headset – 64GB

You can look at headset-comparisons in PC magazine:

(this link is Australian, you may have a different pcmag link where you are)

The four factors in our choice of
the Oculus headsets are

(1) The Oculus quality
gives you by far
your best viewing for the price.

(2) Oculus headsets are “untethered”:
 not cabled to a computer. 
So you are
not “umbilically-tied” to it:
neither tripping over the cable,
nor shoving it out of the way.

(3) “Tether-free” means
you can freely
take your headset anywhere:
all the tech. is in the headset
and not on a nearby computer.

(4) Nor do you need
expensive computers,
high-priced graphics cards
and room-mounted sensors
to run the headset.
These items make up the
huge hidden costs
of untethered headsets.

Within the
“untethered headset” market
the closest one to the Oculus

is the HTC Vive
(but it costs lots more,
for slightly poorer performance):

We hope you will
decide to choose
a good-quality VR headset,

because it will be
a worthwhile investment,
and much more fun
for you to experience
and to share with your friends and family.

If you buy an Oculus headset from this site,
we will throw in
4 free videos
for the Quest 128GB,
3 free videos
for the Quest 64GB

(we will contact you by email
after your purchase, to ask you
which free VR videos
you would like).